Teachers' Aides Reading Workshop

Helping Teachers' Aides develop the understanding to effectively support the teaching of reading.


This full-day professional learning opportunity provides practical tips and strategies for Teachers’ Aides working with primary school students.

The workshop specifically caters to the diverse role of Teachers’ Aides and will assist Teachers’ Aides to deliver quality support to classroom teachers and students on intervention programs.

Reading approaches examined include the small group differentiation approaches:

  • Guided Reading
  • Structured Reading

The workshop also builds knowledge of modelled and shared reading to support Teachers’ Aides to scaffold individuals and small groups when a text is difficult, or skills are new or not well controlled by students.

This workshop examines skills and strategies actioned before, during and after reading and includes:

  • Introducing texts in reading
  • Identifying the challenges in texts
  • Providing suitable prompts and supports
  • Working out words (strategies for decoding)
  • Facilitating rich discussions (strategies for comprehending)
  • Making judgements using observations

You will receive:

  • workshop notes
  • a Literacy Solutions' classroom resource
  • tea/coffee on arrival, morning tea and lunch


$195 + GST (Limited spaces are available so please register early.)
RSVP: Five (5) working days prior to workshop

Should you attend?

This workshop is suitable for Teachers' Aides and optionally, Teachers or Administrators supporting Teachers' Aides.

Where and when?

See our workshop calendar for locations, venues and dates.