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All prices include GST. GST will be removed for orders whose delivery address is outside Australia.

Postage & Handling

Please ensure someone is available at the nominated address to receive package.

  • Postage details

    • Australia - One item: $15.50. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • Canada - One item: $53.80. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • India - One item: $49.40. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • Ireland - One item: $58.00. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • New Zealand - One item: $33.80. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • Philippines - One item: $49.90. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • United Kingdom - One item: $58.00. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • USA - One item: $53.80. Please add $3.50 for each additional item.
    • All other locations - One item: $59.00. Please add $5.00 for each additional item.
    • NOTE: all pricing is displayed in Australian dollars by default. Select your currency.
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 e.g. 225 Stradbroke Ave

Two week returns policy for items returned in "as new" condition. Goods damaged due to inadequate return packaging or improper care will not be refunded. There is no refund on postage and handling costs.