Prep to Year 6 Reading: ‘The Big Six’

. . . embed the Science of Reading across all year levels


Learning to read and read well is the most critical educational outcome. Decades of research highlights the importance of reading success in the early years, but extending this expertise is imperative for intermediate readers. Instruction which is informed, deliberate and cumulative across all year levels positions students to meet the increasing demands of the curriculum and reach their full potential. These improved outcomes are more likely when educators share the knowledge and understandings which inform consistent practices across a school.

In the early years, instruction must build the key skills and knowledge to access texts and understand both the English code and ways to construct meaning. It must also examine the deeper meanings in texts. Both require metacognition. As the gradients of difficulty of texts continue to climb in the intermediate years, students must learn to access more complex texts, and this requires ongoing, focused reading instruction which teaches students how to select, manage and combine strategies to interrogate deeper meanings. To do this successfully, students must continue to build, refine and draw on six delicately combined and exectured knowledges, skills and strategies ... six areas dentified across numerous widespread studies over recent years and commonly referred to as 'The Big Six'.

What are 'The Big Six'?
Why do they matter?
How do I teach them?

This evidence-based yet practical webinar will build awareness and understandings of 'The Big Six', relating each area to relevant research across neuroscience, cognitive, developmental and behavioural psychologies, special education, linguistics and high-yield instructional practices and texts across different year levels. It is well documented that reading abilities are enhanced and reading success improved when explicit instruction around ‘The Big Six’ is provided and when skills within and across ‘The Big Six’ are developed, refined, applied and mastered over time.

This webinar will explore and analyse 'The Big Six':

  • Oral language
  • Phonological awareness
  • Phonics/Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension

Each area will be examined, and strategies for teaching discussed.

You will receive:

  • webinar notes (downloadable at the beginning of the session)

Should you attend?

This webinar is suitable for Teachers of Prep to Year 6 and Teachers’ Aides.

Camera and microphone

To promote optimal learning for all participants, this webinar is interactive. All attendees are required to have their CAMERAs AND MICROPHONEs TURNED ON AT ALL TIMES DURING THE WEBINAR and BE SEATED AT A KEYBOARD to use the ‘chat box’ feature when required. Failure to adhere may result in removal from the webinar room. To ensure fluid interaction, NO MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE PER DEVICE IS PERMITTED.


$195 + GST (Limited places are available so please register early.)


See our webinar calendar for dates and times.