The Art of Teaching Writing

When, Why and How to Use the Writing Pedagogies


Teacher judgment is central to quality instruction. Most teachers know the approaches for teaching writing. However, the art of quality teaching is strategy: knowing when, why and how to increase or decrease support within and across lessons. Active observations inform teacher judgment around whether to model, share, or guide writing instruction and how to layer the pedagogical support to achieve a specific outcome. Every decision is informed and deliberate.

The teacher making good judgments knows what he or she expects to see as they move up or down the pedagogical scale in different parts of the lesson. They do not move from modelled to shared because a lesson template is set out this way … they do it because they notice when students need clarification or additional application, or whether they are on the cusp of extension. They understand when students need the pace adjusted, an additional example provided, or review and revision in a small group. These teachers can explain precisely why they added to, omitted from, or otherwise adjusted their plan as the lesson is occurring.

Hattie identifies the many qualities of expert teachers. Experts are those teachers actively observing students during lessons and able to modify what they are doing and how they are doing it in response to student needs. The ability to make good judgements is one of the attributes which separates the expert from the experienced.

What am I teaching?
To whom?
How will I teach it?

Experts know the answer to these questions is dependent on what is to be learned and other factors including students' current level of knowledge or control of the skill and any other complexities related to the text. They know why a particular pedagogical approach will be most effective and how they plan to move the learner along the gradual release of responsibility scale.

In this 90-minute presentation, participants will explore the differences between the pedagogies:

  • Modelled writing
  • Joint Construction
  • Interactive writing
  • Guided writing

The specific roles and responsibilities of adults and learners will be addressed, and the importance of clear, focused learning intentions and success criteria will be outlined.

Students at all year levels need high quality, well-informed instruction. The only way for this to occur is for teachers to make good judgments. Lessons and aspects within lessons should be facilitated strategically. Student data is central to knowing what to teach and how to teach it.

You will receive:

  • workshop notes
  • afternoon tea on arrival


$95 + GST (Limited places are available so please register early.)
RSVP: Five (5) working days prior to workshop

Should you attend?

This workshop is suitable for Teachers and Teachers’ Aides of Foundation to Year 6.

Where and when?

See our workshop calendar for locations, venues and dates. Please note that workshops not identified in your location can be booked directly and hosted at your school.